Saturday 17 August 2013

Hot Dog!

Hey, all I knew about hot dogs is that Hebrew National answers to a higher authority.  Apparently there is a helluva lot to know. Here is a primer. Who knew that natural casings are not Kosher?

I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, famous for Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Andy Warhol and The Oakland Original. Some worship The O and some think it is awful. The O has been immortalized in print and on TV.
The Oakland Original  but I've never seen it like this!

It's open 'til 3:30AM.  I only remember this.

Beansie's established 1944. That's Battery Park behind the bus.  What the hell is a Michigan?

While we were camped at North Beach in Burlington we passed by Beansie's Bus at least twice a day if not more often. An most times Fran would ask, "What's a Michigan?" Now, we don't get in Charlotte   without two iPhones and an iPad with 4G and at least 6 gigs of data in the bank. There is no freakin' reason why any questions should go unanswered--ever. (Yesterday's 2 questions: What's the name of the dead Yankee Stadium announcer whose voice still introduces Derek Jeter and is he the one who wrote "Summertime, Summertime. SumSum Summertime?) Finally, one day after passing Beansie's on the way to Williston, Fran finally googled Michigan. Lest you think this is but a regional oddity, I refer you to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council's national map of restaurants where you can get a Michigan.
Beansie's, The Burlington Police Department and the ubiquitous bike

Well, one link led to another and by the time we got to Williston two things had become apparent: Vermont was a pretty savvy place food-wise but it was also severely hot dog challenged. There were a number of disparaging remarks ("If it ain't organic and eco-friendly those VT Tree Huggers won't eat it.") Then we came across a mention of T.J.'s Dawg House right there in Williston. There were only 3 Yelp reviews but they contained all the right dog whistles: Vienna Beef, natural casing, Chicago-style and "dragged through the garden".

A rainy day didn't keep people away

Dragging one through the garden
Dining Al Fresco

Le Menu

The science of the Tube Steak
Ask your cardiologist if he'll give you a guarantee like this.
T.J. Chelak--Passionate and Proud

Accept no substitutes for the Sport Peppers

The authentic relish.....

...Which Fran says can only be described as "scary"

" A bold, some would even say brash, pile-up of unsubtle textures, garish colors and outrageous flavors. Wonderful!"
"Try one while you still have teeth to bite through the casing, hear and feel the snap and taste the explosion of flavors."
Thank you T.J.
Next: The Michigan: Burlington or Plattsburgh?

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