Tuesday 23 July 2013

How Do We Make Coffee? Inquiring People Want To Know

The AeroPress

Fran's brother, Richard, turned us onto the AeroPress coffee maker when we parked Wilbur and Charlotte overnight in his driveway in very rural Connecticut . We were on our way to Prince Edward Island. 

Wilbur In Ballouville, CT

Now,  Richard is.....um.....deliberate. He has one cup of coffee a day, late in the afternoon. And it has to be a very good cup of coffee. So he thoroughly researched coffee brewing technology and settled on the AeroPress. The water is to be 175 degree F. Stir for 10 seconds. Steep.....At first I though it a bit OCD until, (1) I tasted the coffee and, (2) I watched the YouTube videos and read the comments. There are seven pages of videos. 

After several weeks of suffering through Starbucks VIA instant coffee (terrible) Fran broke down and bought an AeroPress at Samuel's Coffee House in Summerside, Prince Edward Island. It was a good purchase.
Samuel's Coffee House, Summerside, PEI

AeroPress  on the top shelf of Samuel's

The AeroPress makes a very good 2 cups of coffee at a time. And Fran and I each have one and only one cup per day. It is unbreakable. It takes up very little space. It is easy to use and very quick and easy to clean. Perhaps most gratifying of all, the AeroPress was invented by Alan Adler,  the founder of Aerobie High Performance Sport Toys.

Alan Adler

 He is, IMHO, the Ron Popeil of the tech age.

 And to be compared to the inventor of the Ronco Pocket Fisherman is high praise indeed.


  1. Richard and I simultaneously enjoyed this entry - he up stairs, me downstairs.

    Enjoy your coffee ! Edith

    1. We couldn't have done it without you! Fran
