Monday 22 July 2013

From The "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" File.

The Ho Hum Motel with locations in South Burlington and on the Williston Road to underwhelm you.

The Do or Dye Hair Salon. Apparently, in Vermont,  gray hair and a bad hair day are capital crimes.

The Ready Funeral Home. Even if you're not, they are.

The Tie-By-Night Fly Company

Wilbur was here and almost stayed forever. Button Bay, VT

Strong like ox. Smart like truck.
When Wilbur got stuck in the mud in Button Bay, VT. a whole bunch of other campers came to look and a few to help get him out. (Most anything out of the ordinary is entertainment in a campground. I spent much of an afternoon watching a storage shed get unloaded and leveled up.) One big, brawny fellow came over carrying a plastic box of steel chain.  He put the box of chains down,  flexed his biceps and said, "Strong like ox." Then he pointed to his head and said, "Smart like truck." 

Junk and Disorderly -collectables

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